There is still time for you to order club kit in our sale where we are offering £20 per item off ten core lines.
The club shop has limited capacity to hold large quantities and size variations in stock, normally only offering male sizes up to 2XL. Castelli though can provide sizing up to 5XL so if you are a fuller bodied male like myself and can struggle to find stock kit that fits, this is also a good opportunity to order items in sizes that we do not routinely carry.
More than fifty items of club kit have been ordered by members so far in our club kit sale, many of which we have been able to fill from stock but there is still time for you to order.
The order book will close at 20.00 hrs on Sunday evening 9th February with an order being sent off next week for items that we cannot provide from stock and also to replenish sold out items.
A reminder about the ordering process,
You can view descriptions of all club kit items in the Club Shop
In addition there is a link to the Castelli Size Guide
Complete the attached Order Form to purchase items from the club kit flash sale. Do not place orders for discounted products through the club shop function on the website.
If we need to order items we have a minimum order quantity of ten pieces for each item and lead time is usually about three months. In the unlikely event that we only have a small order for a specific item we may need to reject the order as we do not have the funds to hold high quantity of stock in reserve in the club shop, although hopefully that issue will not arise.
Once your order is confirmed and accepted you will receive an email confirming the deposit required, whether items are available from stock or whether they will be on order.
Make deposit payment by BACS to Velo Club Venta, Sort Code 52-21-18, A/C No 06174450 quoting reference club kit.
If you have any questions or issues placing an order please email [email protected] in the first instance.