July brings us to a segment last contested as part of our club competition back in January 2020. This is possibly one for the Puncheurs with a 1.7-mile effort containing limited climbing, but some deceptively sharp ramps to keep you honest. There is also enough mix in gradient to offer something for the benefit of both pure climbers and sprinters alike.

Start your effort from the small square at the North of Kilmeston village and progress along the relatively flat section past a number of houses that precedes a slight downhill with some rough road surface, prior to a sharp left-right combination of turns that then lead into the initial gradient.

From here, the is a short respite, with a subsequent short downhill into an equally short flat section, before a very steep ramp kicks in to test your legs, never quite flatting out as the climbing continues to the crest, which is marked by a left turn in the road, with a farmhouse on your right.

Cresting this rise, you flow downhill and to your right under the cover of a canopy of trees. At this point, look out for gravel and rough road surfaces, as well as traffic that may be approach fast, downhill.

The last part of the segment is a short but ever-steepening climb that brings you to a junction, whether the segment ends a safe distance ahead of the point at which you’d need to stop.

Please remember to obey the rules of the road and remain vigilant for oncoming traffic when attempting to set a time on this segment. The link to the segment is here:


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