After an incredible extended gravel ride in the New Forest in mid-June, the July club gravel ride returns to the usual shorter format on Saturday 13 July (9am start).

This ride will make the most of the (hopefully!) dry conditions to explore the trails to the west of Broughton. We roll out at 9am from the car park on School Lane, SO20 8AN, just to the north of Broughton village (What3Words Car Park Location).

The route climbs immediately up a techy ascent on the King Alfreds Way route, before dropping down into the gravel tracks of Bentley wood. From there we head on a mixture of backroad and farm tracks into Downton, stopping for coffee at the excellent Stable and Wick.

The return sees us ride up the ridge to the top of Dean Hill before a return visit through the woods before a sharp climb and descent back to base.

Total distance is 54km with 800m of climbing. Whilst a gravel bike with 40mm tyres + will be fine, a hardtail will not be out of place on this route. 

The provisional route is below, but this is subject to final checks by the ride leaders shortly before the day. As always there will be multiple ride leaders to guide all riders on the day. This is a no drop ride as usual.

Looking forward to seeing you all there

Nath, Jorge, Neil and Paul

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