The longest day is approaching and we’ve decided to add an extra, super long gravel ride to the calendar. 

On June 22nd we’ll head to the New Forest for 140km’s of gravel tracks, trails and even the odd river crossing (no boat required!) 

8am ride start time.

It’s a long ride so we’ll plan in a couple of stops, including ‘lunch’ after 80km at old Holmsley Station. Even so we’re likely to be out on the pedals for up to 8 hours including stops so this one’s for the fit and dare I say resilient!! We’ll be aiming to do the ride at 20kph average so a good 7 hours pedalling with an hour for stops. In road terms that’s the equivalent to a 6 hours 160km/100mile ride. (if you want to come and start with us but aim for a slower ride then please do but beware that we’ll aim to keep the group moving at the 20kph pace and will expect those wanting a slower ride to have their routes on the computers and be ready to self guide if they fall out of the main group.)

There will be an opportunity at lunch stop to break off form the main route and head direct back to start point to cut the ride a little shorter (to approx. 100k). One of the ride leaders (at least) will be taking that route to guide).

We’ll start at Bramble Way Car Park on Roger Penny Way - What 3 words location for Bramble Way Car Park

The route is here:

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